My series of video work, performances and photographs are focused on the female's body and its relationship to different elements such as water, sand, wind and man-made materials such as plastic, paper, rubber and fabrics. The experimentations are developed to look at the action and reaction of the body in different spaces and environments, the transformation of the shape and form of the body that visually changed into a sculpture when affected physically from the elements and materials in order to examine the psychological, corporeal and cultural ways of viewing the human condition. The certain symbols contained in the videos are used to reflect the idea of violence, endurance, communication, as well as gender.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

objects and water

from very simple objects found at home
(in different series)

looking at water in different forms

Font size

example of the video (lowered the video quality)


Example of the video (lowered video quality)


Example of the video (lowered the video quality)

Friday, September 24, 2010


Video duration : 2.52 mins

Example of the video (lowered video quality)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Body/fabrics underwater

This video is presented in series of 3

example of the videos (lowered video quality)
please play all of them at the same time if possible




Thursday, September 16, 2010


Covering myself underwater

ie 1#

example of the video (lowered video quality)


duration : 3.24 mins

Example of the video (lowered video quality)

fabrics and body

White Shadow

Video duration : 9.39 mins

Wrapping myself in red

Video duration : 12.05 mins

Example of the video (lowered video quality)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Distortion series #1

Video duration : 3.11 mins

(installation in a gallery space)

Example of the vid
eo (lowered video quality)

Serie#2- Distortion

Example of the video (lowered video quality)

distortion serie 3

example of the video (lowered video quality)